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Re-skill, Survival/thriving Mantra

Mohammad Wasim
2 min readJan 6, 2022


If I would have been looking for a job with my Solaris Admin skills, then I would be highly demotivated to find that there is very limited respect for the admins like before. Technology has progressed leaps and bound and has become simpler and immensely efficient. Old admins sluggishly progressed but that too small. 10 years back, the time to build a server is now matter of minutes to replicate 1000s of servers in context of the business application through a script (computer program)

Imagine what happened when machines came in during the industrialization era, Craftsmen became irrelevant. I sense that the IT industry with software-defined everything, automation, data, AI /ML and with every company strategy breathing on technology, the impact will far larger than industrialization. The consequences will be on to all those jobs where there are repeatability, patterns, like procurement, finance logistics etc.

The IT professionals (in fact every body) need to reflect on how long will it take for them to become irrelevant. start planning to reskill themselves and find alternate pastures to survive or to thrive. I think it (using robot to do the work) will happen very quickly as cost efficiency and nimbleness for businesses is now CEO agenda who will push it down as the survival and or thriving mantra

As Kevin Kelly (founding executive editor of Wired ) says that it will be the world of upgrades. The upgrades will correspond to new features or enhancements that the company wishes to roll out to its customers.



Mohammad Wasim

Technologist, entrepreneur, speaker, coach. Opinions and views are strictly personal